Icing on the cake!

May 16, 2011

This blog post really “takes the cake” as one of the more flattering moments in my professional career.

I was invited to perform at a gorgeous English-style country home in New Jersey yesterday (video below), to celebrate my client’s 50th birthday. After the show was over, it was time to sing “Happy Birthday.” You can imagine the look of surprise on my face when I saw my magic teapot, “Think-a-Drink” decorated in icing on his cake!

Magician Jonathan Brown saw this photo of the cake, and wrote a lovely comment on Facebook: “You know, you can win awards, make a name for yourself, get on TV etc..but when a CLIENT loves your magic enough to put YOUR trick on THEIR OWN birthday cake…well I don’t know where you go from that!”

Here’s a quick video of the outside of my client’s house. (In order to maintain privacy for him and his family, no further details will be included here.)

“Think-a-Drink” has become a signature routine for me. As a result, I’ve become quite enamored with the trick and its history. You may be interested to read of a legal dispute that arose over its performance by two rival magicians in 1943: “Think-a-Drink Hoffman” and “Have-a-Drink Count Maurice.”