Lonely Planet magazine: Top 10 Reasons to Fall in Love with NYC
June 28, 2016

Lonely Planet magazine lists Steve Cohen’s Chamber Magic® as one of the “Top 10 New Ways to Fall in Love with New York.” (Spring 2016 issue)
Here is the list (which includes several places I want to visit myself!):
1. Secret gardens – greenthumbnyc.com
2. Alexander Hamilton home in Harlem – nps.gov/hagr
3. Japanese cherry blossoms in Brooklyn – bbb.org
4. Le Train Bleu restaurant in Bloomingdales – bloomingdales.com
5. Arcade Bakery (I love this place!) – arcadebakery.com
6. Steve Cohen’s Chamber Magic at the Waldorf Astoria New York – chambermagic.com
7. Carnegie Hall 125th anniversary gala – carnegiehall.org
8. Brooklyn Grange rooftop farm – brooklyngrangefarm.com
9. Museum of the American Gangster – museumoftheamericangangster.org
10. Jimmy’s No. 43 restaurant – jimmysno43.com
The summer is a great time to explore all that New York has to offer. I’ve lived in Manhattan for 21 years, and relish finding new, hidden spots. I was glad to stumble upon this list in Lonely Planet magazine (and was secretly happy to be included in it!)