You're cordially invited to a Special 25th Anniversary Performance of CHAMBER MAGIC, featuring exclusive giveaways and a post-show reception.

		Friday, March 28 at 7pm SIGN UP for exclusive access SIGN UP for exclusive access

Norman Rockwell’s magicians

Nostalgic blog post! Growing up in Westchester County, I joined the Boy Scouts (Troop 174) and have happy boyhood memories of paging through the Boy Scout Handbook. Norman Rockwell’s scouting images were scattered throughout the handbook, and I fell in love with his painting style. To my knowledge, Norman Rockwell painted two images that included […]

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Magic4Mercy charity event recap

Billionaires, millionaires, media personalities, and other distinguished guests joined forces to support the Mercy Corps Action Center to End World Hunger on December 8, 2009 at the Magic4Mercy Benefit.
I presented a one-hour show that was well-received by business and community leaders, actors, fashion designers, and other luminaries including billionaire Steven A. Cohen, Founder of SAC Capital, and his wife Alexandra, who both served on the Honorary Committee for the event.

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Max Malini’s calling card!

A recent guest at my Waldorf show introduced himself as a relative of the great old-time magician, Max Malini. According to the gentleman, his great aunt’s second husband was Malini. A few weeks later, he sent me a piece of memorabilia from their family scrapbook – Malini’s calling card.

This image was drawn by the world-famous tenor, Enrico Caruso.

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New website is now live!

Please visit my fully-redesigned website: chambermagic.com We’ve tweaked the user interface, and added three new pages: Media Appearances, Win The Crowd Book, and Multimedia Gallery. I still have many more media articles and performance photos to upload – they will be coming soon. In the meantime, there’s still a lot to see, and you can […]

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