20th Anniversary Wishes from The Finest Magicians in the World
March 9, 2020

The world’s finest magicians sent video wishes to celebrate Chamber Magic‘s twentieth anniversary. I’ve compiled them into one film that is breathtaking in scope.
Some videos are funny, some heartfelt, and several magicians even included special performances made for this occasion.
Appearances by: David Williamson, Derren Brown, David Copperfield, Chris Kenner, Charlie Frye, Penn and Teller, Paul Vigil, Boris Wild, Mike Caveney, Jorge Blass, Hector Mancha, David Berglas, Lisa Menna, Bob Kohler, Eric Mead, David Blaine, Uri Geller, Jeff Hobson, Lance Burton, Mac King, Meir Yedid
Juan Tamariz, Asi Wind, Max Maven, Ton Onosaka, Richard Wiseman, John Lovick, Dani DaOrtiz, Jeff McBride, Michael Carbonaro, Derek Hughes, David Regal, Piff the Magic Dragon, Todd Robbins, Harry Lorayne, Cyril Takayama, Tenyo, Adam Rubin, Bill Herz, Steve Spill
Michael Close, Shin Lim, Colin Cloud, Levent, Joshua Jay, Dan White, Julie Eng, Gabe Fajuri, Paul Gertner, Woody Aragon, Jean Jacques Sanvert, Rafael Benatar, Michel Clavello, David Kaye, Brad Henderson, Scott Alexander, Peter Samelson, Steve Barnes, Steve Valentine, Scott Tokar
Roberto Giobbi, Joerg Alexander, John Carney, Christian Engblom, Ken Weber, Garrett Thomas, Marvin Berglas, Mark Kalin and Jinger, Kostya Kimlat, Gazzo, Lu Chen, James Freedman, Adam Blumenthal, Bill Kalush, Pop Haydn, Jonathan Bayme, Yuki Kadoya, and Mark Levy.
I am deeply grateful for the support I’ve received from the magic community. Many of these people are my heroes.
This film was prepared in honor of the twentieth anniversary Chamber Magic show, held on March 20, 2020 in New York City.